Cannabis Knowledge

Plant facts and information
Our museums in Amsterdam and Barcelona are dedicated to the rich history and varied applications of cannabis and hemp, as well as the many opportunities they offer for the future.
Our museums in Amsterdam and Barcelona are dedicated to the rich history and varied applications of cannabis and hemp, as well as the many opportunities they offer for the future.
Photo: Floris Leeuwenberg?php>
What is Cannabis Sativa L? ‘Cannabis’ is the name given to the plant itself. ‘Sativa’ simply means ‘sown’, and is used to indicate the common or cultivated form of a plant. The ‘L.’ refers to Carolus Linneaeus, the Swedish botanist who first gave this common yet celebrated herb its scientific classification in 1753.
Photo: Floris Leeuwenberg?php>
All the great civilizations of the ancient world were familiar with cannabis and its diverse range of medicinal properties – that it has analgesic, calming and stimulating effects.
Hemp seeds are rich in high quality protein, very low in saturated fats and contain all of the essential fatty acids required by human beings.
A hemp field in the Netherlands?php>
The varieties cultivated for industrial use contain hardly any intoxicating components.
Allen Ginsberg, Beat poet and counter-culture icon?php>
Pipes and smoking devices from all over the world demonstrate how different cultures have imbibed marijuana and hashish.
Allen Ginsberg, Beat poet and counter-culture icon?php>
Our unique collection is on display in two locations: a canal house in downtown Amsterdam and a Modernista palace in Barcelona.
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Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148
+31 (0)20-6248926
Monday to Thursday: 12:00 – 20:00
Friday to Sunday: 10:00 – 22:00
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Carrer Ample 35
+34 93 319 75 39
Every day: 11:00 – 20:00
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